Cinematic Section, IIT Roorkee
Cinematic Section IITR was started as a creative platform for those who worship the art of movie making and have an inherent desire to transmit their creative ideas and thoughts through the medium of cinema. 

Everybody appreciates great movies though the genre of choice may differ from person to person. ‘Comedy’, ’drama’, ‘musical’, ’classic’, ’art’, ’popular’ and ‘meaningful’ cinema are some of the genres that we can choose from. The impact that cinema has on the common man emphasizes the fact that the visual medium is the most powerful platform for expressing art and conveying ideas. Movies can make you laugh, cry, transform you and inspire you to reach new heights hitherto unknown to even yourself. 

Our section aims to help you learn the art of movie making so that you can also propagate your vision and express your ideas. Our primary aim is to remove the awe attached to movie-making which makes people shy away considering movie making to be a very farfetched profession/hobby. We desire that no beautiful, revolutionary ideas should die due to lack of understanding of technical jargon. Cinesec will be basically providing a platform in this campus on which the next Surat Bajartya (who incidentally was IITD alumni), Satyajit Ray or Akira Kurasowa can take a bow. Cinesec IITR aims that cinematics should also be a true feather in the cap of the rich cultural spectrum of the campus.

Cinesec IITR happens to be the newest entrant under aegis of the cultural society. Consequently we are the most usefully invigorated and happening section right now. In spite of our relatively new genesis, we have progressed exponentially by leaps and bounds, thanks to our creative theme, defined vision, and strong ideology.. 

In our section, we make movies. Movies start from the scratch from an idea. An idea which could have germinated in a bakar session in the canteen or an idea which struck us awake in the leaner moments of the class. We nurture this idea into a script and add life to it by giving it dialogues and enacting it. We discuss, organize, debate and execute. Ultimately after editing, what emerges out is a MOVIE, a confluence of our energies. It is through these synergic activities that a movie is made.

We are NEW and NOVELTY, we respect...
We are THE section for the Gen Next!